Friday, November 30, 2012

Nice to meet you

     "God doesn't give you more than you can handle," is something I hear a lot when I am out in public with my 4 small boys.  I usually just smile and nod as I am in the midst of refereeing a fight or putting out a tantrum.  I cannot find scripture in the bible that states this exactly, the closest I can find is Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."  If I was in a position to be able to respond to those well meaning spectators, I would say that I believe that God helps me with which I am given.  In this particular instance, God did give me the blessing of 4 beautiful boys, but the challenges that come with it is where I need Him to help lead me.
     Hi, I am Beth Moore, not the writer of incredible bible studies, just a wife, mother, pediatric nurse (on hiatus), child of God.  I have friends that have told me I should blog after they hear yet another installment of the latest story of my kids.  The literary part of me thinks that sounds like a great idea.  What a wonderful way to practice my writing skills which haven't been put to use since I graduated nursing school a decade ago.  Another piece of me, the one that is cleaning the house, doing laundry, running errands, wiping noses, thinks that there is just no time for that.  The piece of me that houses my inner psyche worries that no one would care, no one would read, people would be judging me.  Now that I am in my 30's, all of my kids are out of the infancy stage, and a lot of my former classmates and co workers are getting their Masters degrees, I have a renewed interest in putting my pen to paper (or fingers to Ipad in this case) and purging my mind of all these thoughts, questions, and stories into one place.
     Nice and helpful comments are welcome, I hope you come back to read more.

1 comment:

  1. I was told the same thing about writing down the stories of life with 4 little ones. I found with our blog, it only gets done if I stop and take the time to do it, which isn't very often. Good luck with yours! Look forward to reading!
