Thursday, December 27, 2012


This one was supposed to be about my oldest, B1, receiving Christ into his heart and getting baptized. In light of the events of the tragic shooting in CT, I am casting a wider net. My son just turned 6, he was born in 2006, the same year that a lot of the young victims of the shooting were born. It is surreal watching my vibrant son enjoying life and the things he likes to do, knowing what those children were thinking about and doing the morning of December 14th before their Earthly life was cut too short.

My son made the most important decision of his life, he was not yet even 6. He asked Jesus into his heart, to be his Lord and Savior. Does he know every word of the Bible? No. Could he turn to any scripture when called upon? No. Could he participate in a debate about Christianity? Certainly not. Does he have faith? YES!!! It is something that is so hard for most adults, even me at times, but he has faith. It is what helped me kiss him good bye and put him on the bus the Monday after this tragedy. Do I know that he will be safe? No, none of us are, but I have faith that Jesus will watch over us and protect us. Do I know someone won't enter his school and start taking innocent lives? Again, no, but I have faith that God is in control, that gives me comfort. If the unthinkable does happen, can I handle it? If left to my own devices, no way! However, my Savior, the one in which my husband and now son turn to in good times and bad, will take care of us and we will be reunited someday.

Switching gears a bit, he was very excited to take his first Lord's supper or communion at the Christmas eve service. I delight in his excitement, he looks at everything with such wonder and amazement. Afterwards I asked him if he was hungry for dinner. He said, "I already ate the Lord's supper."


  1. What a great post, Beth! I was very excited I could be there for Brodie Man's first communion since I wasn't able to be there for his baptism. I teared up while I watched you and Brad with Brodie on Christmas Eve...such a sweet picture! He's a lucky guy to have parents that are faithful in bringing him up in a home that puts God first and teaches about His salvation! Love ya'll"

    1. Thanks Jamie,
      I have yet to be as proud of him as I have been lately. If this is what God feels x infinity, then I Dan understand why the angels sing! Hope you are feeling better!

    2. Oh, and a special thanks to Aunt Leigh who took the youngest Moore's to the car so that I didn't have to miss the special occasion!
