Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What if SAHMs went on business trips?

My dear sweet husband went away on a business trip last week. While I do understand that he was working, I still can't help from being a little envious. The thought of leaving my house and all the work that goes along with it, to go to an interesting place, stay in a hotel, be around adults and have adult conversation. To worry about just me, for a change. To get just myself ready for the day, to watch what I want on tv, to have some piece and quiet.

In listing all of that, I guess I forgot there is actually work going on. So what I really want, is just to get away.

Luckily, my sister and I had already planned our annual spa getaway weekend for the end of the week, so I didn't have to wait long! After taking care of all four by myself, and preparing to go out of town, I couldn't wait to hit the road.

My instruction list for the boys was seven pages long, including a menu for the babies. I couldn't believe all that I do was summed up in a seven page instruction manual. Then it occurred to me, that isn't even the half of it. It didn't include cleaning the house, errand running, meal preparation, and entertaining/educating the children. I can't believe all of the stuff I have to do, I know it is a lot, but to put it down on paper is humbling.
Brad returned home from his trip late Wednesday night, and I left after getting the kids off to school on Thursday morning.

Spa retreat in Gatlinburg, here we come! I know we should probably switch it up a bit and go explore a different place, but it is only 3 hours by car, and nearly in the mountains. We have been to the area so much over the years, we don't feel the need to do tourist things, and we know where we like to eat.

We were a little disappointed Nashville got snow while we were gone, but happy that B1 got to have his first snow day from school. Meanwhile, we enjoyed the quiet, caught up on chick flick movies, and relaxed with a hot stone massage!

It was surprising to me how easily I settled into my "me time." With the exception of hearing phantom children yelling and crying at times, I reveled in the knowledge that I didn't have anyone I was responsible for. I had no guilt about sleeping in (with the help of zquil, I must admit,) eating sugary cereal, and vegging on the couch. No loads of laundry, very little meal preparation and virtually no cleaning up. It was nice not to have to utter my usual mantra of, "keep all four chair legs on the floor, sit your bottom in the chair, eat your veggies, and you already had like 3 desserts." I didn't hear my name over and over again followed by a "watch this."

Of course I missed my little men, but the time away gave me the renewal of energy I needed. When I returned home, I was greeted with the latest achievement of the twins, they are climbing on everything!!! Time to start planning my next "business" trip.

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