Thursday, June 13, 2013


Our sweet second born celebrated his 5th birthday this past week.
This kid gets so excited talking about his birthday and his birthday cake!

He is our only baby that waited until nearly his due date to arrive (actually, he was evicted by induction,) he was the only one that took to breast feeding, slept well, and was content being held.

Nowadays, he is rambunctious, hilarious, and affectionate. He enjoys playing games, working jigsaw puzzles and mazes, and being a big brother to his twin brothers.

Today he told me that when he grows up, he wants to be, "a daddy, scuba diver, chef, astronaut, chef, boxer" and he added singer to the list after singing the songs from vacation bible school.

If you ask him what his favorite color is, he will say, "all the colors in the rainbow and not in the rainbow." He will also tell you that he loves babies and puppies and that he is allergic to anything that has whiskers. He is allergic to cats and that has somehow morphed into lions and tigers.

He is our sweet boy who is heading to kindergarten this fall, will be playing soccer, and is learning Tae Kwon Do.

We love you, B2!

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